What Working with a ChFC® Can Do For You
Don’t settle for generic advice. Look for an advisor who sees the person behind the numbers.
The ChFC® Advantage
When you work with a ChFC®, you can trust that your advisor has completed rigorous amounts of coursework (8 courses in all!) to ensure that he or she is prepared for the complex financial situations faced by modern clients. ChFC® candidates complete coursework focusing on real-life scenarios and case studies to ensure they are prepared for every situation. The ChFC® program includes a wide array of financial topics such as behavioral finance, non-traditional family structures, and small business planning.

Research reports a massive expectation gap between what most clients want and what most financial advisors deliver.1
1 Spectrem Group. 2021.
ChFC® professionals develop strategies for people of all walks of life including those with special needs, individuals going through a divorce, small business owners, blended families, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.
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